Andes Properties rents rooms, furnished apartments and residences for students and young professionals. Unlike most Chilean brokers that rent out other people’s apartments and provide no service, we personally inspect all our apartments and fully service them ourselves. That way we can assure quality and comfort because we prepare everything down to the last detail. We have visited locations all over the city, selecting the best apartments in safe areas, close to metros stations, parks, nightlife, bars, cultural centers, supermarkets, shopping malls, and other interesting places. We’re foreigners who have lived in Chile since 2010 and know how hard it is to find an apartment. We’ve created Andes Properties to take the pain out of renting the perfect Chilean apartment.
Andes Property arrienda piezas, departamentos amoblados y residencias para estudiantes y profesionales extranjeros en Chile. La mayoria de agencias y corredoras chilenas que arriendan departamentos de terceros no hacen mucho ni hacen un buen servicio. Nosotros somos distintos. Inspeccionamos personalmente todas las propiedades con que trabajamos y damos un servicio al estilo de Estados Unidos para asegurar todos los detalles para que nuestros clientes tengan la mejor  experiencia posible con su propiedad.
Hasta 2008, ayundamos más de 100 propetarios a aumentar la rentabilidad y arrendar departamentos en Santiago, Providencia, Las Condes, y más a extranjeros de EEUU y Europe. Creamos Andes Property para ayudar a extranjeros a encontrar los mejores departamentos con servicios y estandardes de Estados Unidos.

Lustig is a serial entrepreneur from the United States who graduated from the University of Wisconsin and has been living in Chile since 2010 when he moved to Chile to join the Start-up Chile program’s pilot round. He has built and sold two technology companies and is the author of Chile: The Expat’s Guide, a book about living, working and doing business in Chile. He has also lived in 20+ different apartments in Santiago during his time in Chile in many different neighborhoods. He understands the market and is perfectly positioned to make real estate investments.

Kailas holds a masters from Harvard focusing on Real Estate and Project Management. While at Harvard, he published research on international opportunities in the hospitality industry. Kailas has significant experience in real estate investment and management and his family company is one of the largest owners and operators of commercial real estate in Louisiana. He has lived in Santiago, Chile since 2011 when he moved to Chile for the Start-up Chile program and has helped dozens of foreigner travelers visiting Chile find and rent apartments in the downtown area.